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Can people with other non-cancer diagnoses also receive hospice care?

Absolutely! Cancer is not the only disease that can be a terminal illness. An individual with any type of disease, acute or chronic may be eligible for hospice services. We serve individuals with lung, heart, liver, kidney, AIDS, dementia, stroke, and other diseases; many of which are considered chronic or have been debilitating over a long period of time.

Will I be able to make decisions about my care?

Yes! We respect your right to determine how you want to be treated. We understand that each person makes decisions based on their specific situation. Your hospice team will discuss your goals and treatment preferences throughout your care. Now is the best time to learn more about hospice and ask questions about what to expect from hospice services. Although end-of-life care may be difficult to discuss, it is best for family members to share their wishes long before it becomes a concern. This can greatly reduce stress when the time for hospice is needed. By having these discussions in advance, patients can make an educated decision that includes the advice and input of family members and loved ones.

Does hospice take my insurance?

Yes! Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurances cover most of patient costs. Additionally, because we are a non-profit organization that is, in effect, owned by and here for, the community, our services are available to all regardless of ability to pay. It is a pleasure to care for our entire community.

How are medical decisions made?

Your hospice team will create a plan for your care that is based on what is important to you. This includes methods of treatment and goals for your care. Additionally, your hospice team will be able to assist you in creating or revising your advance directives.

Will hospice be available to call 24/7?

Yes! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to provide support for you. In addition to your regular hospice team, our on-call team is available on nights, weekends, and holidays. The hospice on-call team is there to not only support, but to coach and educate family and caregivers in providing care with confidence to their loved one.

Can I choose to receive full code status on my MOLST?

Yes. We respect our patients’ end of life wishes. Your hospice team will discuss the pros and cons of MOLST options with you, so that you are able to make the most informed decision for your care.

What is a MOLST, anyway?

A MOLST form stands for Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment. The form is a doctor’s order that increases the likelihood that your wishes regarding life-sustaining treatment are honored. Your hospice team will create or review your MOLST upon your enrollment into hospice and again if your wishes change.

I don’t want to hasten my death. Will enrollment under the hospice cause me to die more quickly?

Definitely not. Hospice care is intended to provide comfort and symptom management for the remainder of your life. Treatment is not intended to hasten or delay death. Studies show that hospice patients actually live about a month longer than patients with similar conditions who do not choose hospice care!

I have a good relationship with my primary doctor. Will he or she remain involved in my care?

Of course! Your personal physician will be involved in your care every step of the way. Even though the hospice physician supports your care, your personal physician will continue to receive updates from your team, write orders for your care, and see you if you are interested in visiting him or her.

Will I be able to go to the hospital if I fall and break a bone?

Yes. Your hospice team is able to support most symptoms and even injuries in your home. However, we know that some things require acute hospital care. As problems arise, your hospice team will be able to advise on treatment and assist in the process of going to the hospital if needed. We will ensure that you get the care you need and are able to return home as soon as possible.

Will hospice stop all my medications?

No. Hospice’s role is to support your comfort and manage your symptoms. This may including adding some helpful medication or reducing unhelpful medication. Your ongoing medication usage will be based on your condition, needs and wishes. As a hospice patient, you will have the benefit having your medications reviewed by the hospice physician, pharmacists, nurses, and your personal physician to ensure that you are taking the most appropriate medication for your needs.

Will I become addicted to pain meds?

No. Studies show that the incidence of addiction to narcotics is extremely low when used appropriately and monitored closely by a physician.

What type of services are provided when a patient is admitted to hospice?

A team consisting of Nurses, Social Workers, CNAs, Chaplains, Volunteers and Bereavement staff work with our hospice physician and your personal physician to offer the following:

  • Manage the patient’s pain and symptoms.
  • Assist the patient with the emotional, psychosocial and spiritual aspects of dying.
  • Provide needed drugs, medical supplies and equipment.
  • Coach the family/caregiver on how to care for the patient.
  • Provide bereavement care and counseling to surviving family and friends.

Can I reserve a room at Doey’s House?

No. Doey’s House was built specifically to provide management of very difficult symptoms that cannot be managed in your home. This required acuity of care is called General Inpatient. Your team will be able to determine whether Doey’s House is required for your care. HWC strives to support end of life experiences in the comfort of your own home.

Where are hospice services provided?

Our patients are cared for wherever they reside – private homes, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, Doey’s House and our local hospital.

Do I have to live in Washington County?

Yes, Hospice of Washington County provides care to the residents of Washington County.  We support hospice needs across the entire county! In the event that a resident from outside of the county contacts us for support, we will make every effort to provide them with information for support within their residence area.

Will hospice pay for my medicine?

Medicare’s hospice benefit should cover any medicine you need for pain and symptom management related to your terminal condition. If you require other medication unrelated to your hospice diagnosis, this may be billed through your drug insurance. Other insurances usually pay for medicine the same way as Medicare.