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Your contribution helps the residents of Washington County, Maryland:

Donate Now!

Send a donation by mail:

Hospice of Washington County
1710 Underpass Way, Suite 300
Hagerstown, MD 21740
(make checks payable to Hospice of Washington County)

Other ways to give:

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Giving appreciated stock is an excellent way to support hospice programs. This type of gift usually qualifies not only for an income tax deduction associated with all charitable gifts, but also eliminates capital gains tax. For stock gift instructions please contact Karen Giffin, Associate Vice President of Mission Advancement at 301-791-6360.


Naming Hospice of Washington County, Inc. in your will may enable you to make a significant contribution and leave a legacy. When you decide to make a bequest to Hospice of Washington County, Inc., the following language may be useful to your attorney.You may make a bequest to Hospice of Washington County, Inc. in your will itself or by adding a codicil to your present will. Bequests to Hospice of Washington County, Inc. may be of cash, securities, or other property. Bequests of all sizes are welcome, whether they are outright, contingent, or residual.

Charitable Gift Annuity

In addition to a tax deduction, this type of gift also guarantees you a fixed income for life, partially tax-free. The dollar amount that you will receive is determined by your age and the age of any other beneficiary you name at the time of the gift.

We’re prepared to work with you and your attorneys or financial consultants to assist with philanthropic interests. Please contact Karen Giffin, Associate Vice President of Mission Advancement at 301-791-6360 or email